CoasterBuzz Podcast #86 - August 27, 2007

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posted by Jeff | Monday, August 27, 2007, 7:18 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Greg, Mike and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • New park in Ontario, locals hope replacement of some lost jobs.
  • Washington Post does a piece on the guys who do the daily maintenance on wood coasters. Jeff would be too lazy, Pat would be scared of the heights, Mike would love it.
  • Stupid alleged criminal of the week: Woman steals $75,000 from Kings Island. Hello, did she not think of the auditing?
  • Hong Kong Disneyland not hitting numbers, offering discounted student passes. Why do people criticize Disney for slow starts at new parks?
  • Kennywood closes their dark ride, and we look forward to seeing what they do with that space going forward.
  • Six Flags gets into the kids publishing business. Expanding the media empire or just creative marketing?
  • Developer who wants to build a new park in Michigan outed as a bit of a failure by local paper. Because the location wasn't a dumb choice to begin with!
  • It has been really wet all across the Midwest.
  • The flyer is up for the CoasterBuzz Club Fall Affair. Download it now!


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