CoasterBuzz Podcast #74 - May 14, 2007

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posted by Jeff | Sunday, May 13, 2007, 11:30 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Greg and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Cedar Point's Tony Clark talks about the delayed opening of Maverick.
  • Nickelodeon license will persist at Carowinds. It sure would be cool if they would license for the rest of the Cedar Fair parks as well.
  • The Expoland accident was attributed to axles that were never replaced. Greg has been on the ride, and has no love for it.
  • Gilroy Gardens may be sold to the city, which we're all for if it prevents "mixed use" development.
  • Rye Playland goes smoke-free. Gonch the smoker is growing accustomed to the anti-smoking culture, and expects to last only to age 60.
  • Disney profits up on resort revenue. The places on International Drive are apparently a dump, so why wouldn't you stay with the rat?
  • Is Son of Beast going to be interesting at all when it re-opens?
  • Viacom and its Paramount Pictures division wants to open a park in Korea. This is a growth opportunity in a new market, something the US parks could never be.
  • Legoland project outside of Kansas City gets its day for public debate.
  • Zingo comes down at Bell's. Still no fight, and nobody got sued. What's wrong with that picture?
  • Playland is also offering some new food choices, going the healthier route. Believe it or not, eating right is a lifestyle. Jeff notes he's still not pleased about choices at Cedar Point.
  • Renegade is getting rave reviews so far at Valleyfair, some even better than Thunderhead. Is the enthusiast audience fickle when they choose their favorites.
  • Don't forget that the deadline is approaching for Chocolate Buzz. Register today!


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