CoasterBuzz Podcast #56 - December 4, 2006

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posted by Jeff | Monday, December 4, 2006, 7:47 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Mike, Greg and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Gatorland gets support from the locals.
  • Mall of America will install a Euro-Fighter. Is it the new mouse?
  • The plot between Bell's Amusement Park and the local fair board thickens. Someone should be suing somebody.
  • Greg says that former Astroland development could be a build-and-flip, but hopes the Cyclone will remain.
  • SeaWorld "attack" was a non-event. Must have been a slow news day.
  • Lagoon launched fun? You bet!
  • A new park for SoCal, but can the tourist community support it?
  • Off-topic: Wii!
  • Changes coming for CoasterBuzz, including better advertising.
  • Lots of CoasterBuzz Club events are coming in 2007, including the Fall Affair at Holiday World, Saturday, September 29.


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