CoasterBuzz Podcast #30 - May 1, 2006

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posted by Jeff | Monday, May 1, 2006, 10:13 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Pat and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • The Voyage begins. It sure looks fast!
  • CoasterBuzz Club memberships: Don't wait!
  • Aquarium scores big in downtown Atlanta.
  • Six Flags Over Georgia has a record spring break.
  • Conneaut Lake in danger of not opening. How many times can they get by like this?
  • Six Flags home base split between New York City and Texas.
  • Euro Disney continues to tank. How is Europe's biggest tourist attraction not able to pull off a profit?
  • Cedar Point drops food prices. We wonder how this will help overall, and if anyone else will follow that lead.
  • Mike says that so far the new emphasis on service and experience is evident at Six Flags Great America.
  • Libertyland property in a state of chaos.
  • BeastBuzz is coming up at Paramount's Kings Island on June 17. Sign up today!


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