CoasterBuzz Podcast #26 - April 3, 2006

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posted by Jeff | Monday, April 3, 2006, 7:56 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Pat, Greg and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Visionland changes its name. Another adventure.
  • Santa's Village blessed with new owners.
  • Expedition Everest speeds toward official opening, people are digging it.
  • Six Flags Over Georgia works national media for Goliath opening.
  • Disney's Contemporary Resort gets, well, contemporary.
  • What's the sweet spot for nice hotels, and how much do we pay? Looks like $200 is our point, and we expect quality at that rate.
  • Dollywood on the up and up with a themed mine train coaster in store for 2007.
  • Papa John's and the great pizza in the sky (or at least at Six Flags).
  • BeastBuzz 2006 details... looking forward to another great time at Paramount's Kings Island!


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