CoasterBuzz Podcast #176 - May 3, 2010

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posted by Jeff | Sunday, May 2, 2010, 11:55 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Gonch and Carrie review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • The crew spends a bit of time talking about Facebook and its recent changes, "like" buttons everywhere and privacy. Interested to hear what you have to say, and whether there's any value in adding Facebook features to CoasterBuzz.
  • Six Flags emerges from bankruptcy, and we're all glad that Shapiro and his crew will get an extended crack at making the company not suck.
  • Stratosphere opens a decelerating jump off the tower thing called Skyjump. None of us would do it.
  • Coney Island's Luna Park will open with 19 shiny new Zamperla rides. Gonch says they're well-rounded.
  • UFS sells the Peanuts to a "brand" company and the Schultz family, and in the news release indicates that they're worth a lot more money that we all thought, especially in Belgium.
  • Attendance figures, estimated anyway, say Disney held their own without a single discount ticket. Carrie would like to know what demographics were visiting the parks, especially whether or not they were repeat visitors.
  • Busch Gardens Williamsburg is building a big drop tower. Gonch says that's what really makes a big park a big park.
  • Attention boaters: If you're smaller, get out of the way! A big "duh" at Walt Disney World with rentals.
  • Cops busting ticket resellers again. And why do the finger scanners at Universal Orlando suck so much compared to those at Disney?
  • Congress has a hearing about marine life shows. PETA says animals have feelings too.
  • Walt Disney World vs. Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter? It's not a contest, and everybody wins! Plus, thoughts of Grinchmas.
  • Knott's Xcelerator investigation ends, report issued. Conclusion: California sucks at investigating this sort of thing. Also, inspection time on cables questioned. Jeff just doesn't think the hydraulic launch system is practical.
  • Mr. Six has a Little Six, and Gonch is pretty sure he doesn't need to see that.
  • Q Funding is trying to score new people on the Cedar Fair board. Jeff thinks the newbies will win.
  • If you need your club membership card for coming events, please don't wait until the last minute.
  • Check out the growing event list on the CoasterBuzz Club page.
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