CoasterBuzz Podcast #157 - September 21, 2009
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posted by Jeff | Monday, September 21, 2009, 6:10 PM | comments: 0
Jeff, Mike and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.
- Mike says that his parents want to take him to Chicago's Kiddieland before it closes, but he says they never took him there in the first place.
- Gonch wants the old Hard Rock Park street signs. Send them care of CoasterBuzz.
- Costumed character jobs are probably be miserable. But those Marvel characters at Islands of Adventure have their unit showing.
- Marvel cross-over series in the comics translate well into movie cross-overs.
- Wild West World trial delayed as attorney has a cold. What happened to the right to a speedy trial?
- Harry Potter announcement reveals... nothing! Word on the street is that the big ride will be based on the Robocoaster platform. Mike has been to Middle Earth, Narnia and doesn't want his kids to play Quidditch.
- Megan Fox: Thespian.
- Discussion of business ethics breaks out on CoasterBuzz over Wal-Mart after mention of Six Flags Nigeria deal.
- New Orleans ready to terminate Six Flags lease. And get more money from them. Apparently they haven't noticed the company is in bankruptcy.
- Strange device found mounted on a Disney World bus, grounds the entire fleet for a couple of hours.
- We like Bing "bird's eye" view. One of Jeff's cats are on Google street view.
- Cable snap on Knott's Xcelerator caught on video, and released (probably illegally) into the world. Hard to say what happened. This is another example of how a lack of transparency doesn't help anyone.
- BooBuzz at Cedar Point had a slightly smaller crowd, but good times with lots of Maverick laps. Jeff got to see parts of the old convention center building, and there's a real treasure underneath it all.
- We've been tossing the idea around of a tenth anniversary party/conference in January, maybe at Castaway Bay. Would you come?
- The Fall Affair at Holiday World pre-registration deadline has passed, but we'll be accepting on-site registrations.
- CoasterBuzz Club is $25 per year. You can join or renew today. Enjoy CoasterBuzz with no ads.
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