CoasterBuzz Podcast #156 - September 14, 2009

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posted by Jeff | Monday, September 14, 2009, 3:31 PM | comments: 0

Jeff and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Tennis rant. And by the way, they're expanding the tennis facility across the freeway from Kings Island.
  • Dead guy found in a pond on the Darien Lake grounds after a concert. How does that happen? Jeff shares his wacky high school concert story.
  • Southern Star still has no public financing plan for New Orleans site. But the whole things shows how one-sided Nickelodeon is with their licensing agreement. They're not putting up a dime for this.
  • Kiddieland nearing its last close. Good piece on NBC's nightly news about it. Park is representative of the transition from trolley transportation to urban sprawl.
  • Legoland wants to build a water park as well. Lego sure has become a strong brand.
  • Border crossing for tourism between US and Canada hurt by new passport requirements.
  • Son of Beast has become quite a legendary failure.
  • Merlin reportedly going to go IPO soon. Jeff says there's some acquisition action going on, this week.
  • Toy Story Mania coming to the Wii. Game is inspired by the attractions at Disney parks. There's a version for the iPhone as well.
  • Cedar Fair does more posturing over 49ers deal in Santa Clara. They want either income for lost revenue on game days or to sell the park. Project still needs voter approval.
  • Surprise! Conneaut Lake getting sued by the electric company now. When will people stop giving that place money?
  • Magic Kingdom is getting a huge renovation to Fantasyland that will take years to complete.
  • Golden Tickets. Yawn. Jeff still thinks it's dirty.
  • CoasterBuzz Club is $25 per year. You can join or renew today. Enjoy CoasterBuzz with no ads.
  • BooBuzz 2009 details posted for Cedar Point!
  • The Fall Affair at Holiday World has a pre-registration deadline of this Friday. Register today!


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