CoasterBuzz Podcast #153 - August 24, 2009

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posted by Jeff | Monday, August 24, 2009, 3:29 PM | comments: 0

Jeff and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Kid gets busted for stealing from Great Escape. It's amazing that people think they can get away with this stuff.
  • Inflatables are not big fluffy pillows.
  • More people busted for selling half-used tickets in Orlando. Mike says the mess of ticket vendors don't help with the confusion.
  • Disney films don't always make for good theme park attractions and merchandise.
  • Kent Buescher got a raw deal when it comes to the failure of Cypress Gardens.
  • Another Disney performer dies, this one in a stunt rehearsal. Is it just odds that people get hurt in these shows?
  • More details released on strange Invertigo incident. Another Vekoma engineering win!
  • Carowinds gets tax deal for building new attractions, a one-time fee in exchange for waiver on annual property tax.
  • Thorpe Park tries to enforce a no body odor rule. Stupid.
  • Southern Star says they're doing a Nickelodeon park, we're skeptical they'll be able to pay for it. No word yet on where this leaves Six Flags.
  • Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket finally opens at Universal Studios Florida. Initial reviews are relatively positive.
  • Former executives from way back offer to run Six Flags, as if they're somehow qualified.
  • Dollywood announces new water ride, exhibits a pattern of regular and varied cap ex.
  • Kings Dominion announces Intimidator 305. Jeff thinks it's a pretty cool design, and predictably some "enthusiasts" already hate it.
  • Canada's Wonderland drops Nickelodeon for Peanuts, and it still seems short-sighted.
  • Six Flags says they'll do a debt-equity swap in bankruptcy.
  • We're doing a big event with Cedar Point to raise money for Give Kids The World. Coasting For Kids marathon on Gemini happens on August 26. Your support is appreciated!
  • CoasterBuzz Club is $25 per year. You can join or renew today. Enjoy CoasterBuzz with no ads.
  • BooBuzz 2009 details posted for Cedar Point!
  • The Fall Affair at Holiday World promises to be a big deal. Register today!


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