CoasterBuzz Podcast #102 - January 21, 2008

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posted by Jeff | Monday, January 21, 2008, 5:31 PM | comments: 0

Jeff and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • More details come out of depositions on the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom accident. Mike talks about the operating procedures at the similar ride at Six Flags Great America.
  • Santa Clara's city council wants to move forward with the 49ers stadium, but no word yet on how they plan to pacify Cedar Fair and California's Great America.
  • New Kings Island sign is installed, and they warn of new ride names coming with lapsing licenses. We gasp in horror at some of the names they've already come up with for other former Paramount Parks, like "Flight Deck." And by the way, Cedar Fair is still not a brand.
  • New Cypress Gardens owners interviewed, balance tradition and business. Ski shows rule.
  • The Six Flags Magic Mountain vs. Cedar Point debate is very much over. At least we had some interesting years during the peak of the coaster count debate.
  • Six Flags intends to cut expenses drastically, especially in terms of marketing. Sounds like they didn't get a lot for their dollar.
  • Disaster! A Major Something or Other With The Rock and You, or something like that, now new and refurbished at Universal Studios Florida!
  • Disneyland wins their battle in the resort district as plot intended for low-income housing sold to a hotel developer.
  • Can't convince people to deny the alcohol permit at Six Flags Over Texas? Do a bleeding heart kids story! Manipulate your children to advance your agenda.


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