CoasterBuzz Podcast #100 - January 7, 2008

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posted by Jeff | Monday, January 7, 2008, 7:48 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Rob and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Six Flags Over Texas is enduring a whole lot of drama over an alcohol permit. What's going on in select southern locations? Dancing is immoral too. Rob's dad drinks beer, but has never seen him drunk. Jeff thinks there's no legal ground to reject the permit.
  • Rob says that the stock roller coaster is largely a created situation. FUN seems more a victim of the sector in general than its own performance.
  • Orlando tourism has it good, but location makes a difference for hotels, and the spread in terms of room rates is huge. Disney is covering every market for on-property stays.
  • Diamonds are a hotel snob's best friend. Gonch looks up the AAA diamond ratings for various Las Vegas hotels. Rob loves downtown. There are three five-diamond hotels, going on four.
  • Kent Buescher replaced at Cypress Gardens by firm with park management experience. Did he get a raw deal, or did he not play nice with others? We'll probably never know.
  • Conneaut Lake trustees try to figure out if the park has any future. Gonch says the location is ultimately what killed the park, with better choices near by. Jeff says smart investment on similar sized parks all over also contribute to success in that attraction size.
  • Jeff would really like to go to Indiana Beach, but it's so far away!
  • Looking back at a hundred episodes, Jeff liked the live events the most. Gonch was with the show from the start. Rob is still waiting for the drunken naked podcast. Lots of fun guests over the years.


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