Archive: February, 2010

CoasterBuzz Podcast #170 - February 15, 2010

Download... | Length: 1:09:19 | Size: 32MB | Downloads: 5211

posted by Jeff | Sunday, February 14, 2010, 11:48 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Carrie and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Olympic fever... catch it!
  • Etheredge convicted in fraud case for Wild West World. Unless there's something we're missing, it sounds like he was busted for being a crappy business man. Doesn't someone typically end up with money in a fraud case? No one did in this one.
  • Freestyle Music Park closes up its offices, still waiting for financing. Gonch and his family shed a tear for the good time they had at Hard Rock Park. The Web site is dark (just like Jeff stuck it to CCI back in the day).
  • Cedar Fair big investors keep entering the fray, and saying they're voting against the Apollo deal.
  • Board nominations were also due recently. Will these big investors try to get some influence?
  • CoasterBuzz Club is $25 per year. You can join or renew today. Enjoy CoasterBuzz with no ads.
  • Wizarding World of Harry Potter gets a Super Bowl ad. Universal seems to do a pretty poor job of marketing itself, creating advertising by committee and worse, considering comparisons to Disney.
  • Great story on how Cypress Gardens was acquired by Merlin to be the new Legoland Florida. Local journalism isn't dead.
  • Dirty hotels and your trademark.
  • Kings Island mounts successful opposition to new admissions tax from Mason. Meanwhile, folks in Sandusky would like to see a boost in theirs for Cedar Point.
  • Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom is closed for good. Optimistic buffoons insist they'll open the park with someone else by summer. Oh, and the fair board thinks they own the rides.
  • Disney is having a pretty good year despite flat theme park sales.
  • Cedar Fair paints a pretty ugly picture of its yearly results, in stark contrast to the puppies and rainbows releases of years past.
  • Waldameer goes cashless with scan cards. Why is it that little parks can pull this off but big parks can't?
  • Stalking people you "know" online is weird. Don't do it.

CoasterBuzz Podcast #169 - February 1, 2010

Download... | Length: 1:04:36 | Size: 29MB | Downloads: 6163

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 1:42 AM | comments: 0

Jeff, Carrie and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • CoasterBuzz turns ten years old. If CoasterBuzz were a kid, it would be in grade five.
  • The track record is now free for all users. Have you made yours?
  • Gonch got his start around CoasterBuzz as the Rollercoaster Tycoon guy. (He won a pinball machine.)
  • Cedar Fair sale drama reaches a fever pitch as someone called Q Investments collects 12% of the company, and they plan to vote no on the sale to Apollo. What's their exit strategy?
  • Wild West World fraud trial continues. Etheredge isn't the only one to blame... the people lending him money were clearly morons as well.
  • Kalahari scores a tax-free bond issue in Virginia, to build only their third location. Slow and measured expansion compared to Great Wolf.
  • Zamperla will run the amusement rides at Coney Island. Our international members let us know that they do this elsewhere.
  • Cypress Gardens will be Legoland Florida. Someone pointed out the Lego brand will probably encourage people to get out there.
  • Jeff scored the Lego carousel, and it's completely awesome. There are a lot of enormous sets that are very cool, and clearly not intended for children.
  • Busch Tampa's Sesame Street area is coming along.
  • Demon Drop is going to Dorney now instead of Knott's. The bigger question is, why are they bothering to move it at all?
  • Schlitterbahn is opening a new water park resort with mix-use stuff around it near Austin.
  • Kennywood is experimenting with season passes.
  • CoasterBuzz Club is $25 per year. You can join or renew today. Enjoy CoasterBuzz with no ads.