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posted by Jeff | Monday, March 17, 2008, 7:39 PM | comments: 0
Jeff, Pat and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.
- New owners for the Wild West World land, for another park? Is it viable?
- NCB comes a callin' to Conneaut Lake. Jeff says the CCI bankruptcy is finally nearly complete.
- Gilroy Gardens is now owned by Gilroy. Government retention of park land is pretty common, and this sounds like a good plan to keep it from being more condos some day.
- Six Flags wants to put its brand in Dubai too. Mike wonders if it hasn't been tainted by their previous efforts in Europe. Did they tarnish the name by poor operations there?
- Six Flags posts its balance sheet for 2007. It's not a huge improvement, but it hasn't gone in a negative direction either.
- New area for Busch Gardens Europe, reader comes from nowhere and suggest it's a Sesame Street play area.
- Kentucky pushing through reactionary legislation to create minimum age to operate rides. It's a feel-good bill that doesn't make anything safer.
- Two new GM's at Holiday World with Will Koch still at the top.
- Hard Rock Park is giving tours of the park in progress.
- Jeff saw a demo in Vegas of Hard Rock's memorabilia site. Check it out. He also saw the NBC Olympics video site. Totally amazing.
- Jeff was a little disappointed with the service at The Venetian on his trip.
- Mike asked if Jeff went to Stratosphere, and he doesn't care to visit that end of the strip. Still hasn't been to Circus Circus either.
- Ballmer did "Web developers" at Mix!
- What is it with the exclusive club culture in Vegas? Who cares? Mike used to be a club rat.