Archive: July, 2006

CoasterBuzz Podcast #40 - July 31, 2006

Download... | Length: 38:04 | Size: 17MB | Downloads: 3604

posted by Jeff | Monday, July 31, 2006, 7:45 PM | comments: 0

Jeff, Greg, Mike and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • Skyhawk get technical.
  • The economics of cancelling PKI's Winterfest.
  • What do you sue for when you're hurt?
  • Geauga Lake vs. Kennywood: What was GL's ad agency thinking?
  • Cypress Gardens success in the water park.
  • Mental note: Don't leave stuff sitting around on a ride if it could hit someone in the head.
  • Wild Escape has people wondering if the developers are for real.
  • Taking on the weight issue among enthusiasts.
  • We want to hear from you. Literally. Send an MP3 with your questions, comments on stories, etc., to

CoasterBuzz Podcast #39 - July 24, 2006

Download... | Length: 34:18 | Size: 15MB | Downloads: 3147

posted by Jeff | Monday, July 24, 2006, 6:45 PM | comments: 0

Jeff and Pat review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • The annexation game probably isn't enough bait to keep Six Flags in SoCal.
  • Speculation on Son of Beast. It's a workable problem.
  • Great Wolf and the Quest For Controlling the Shower.
  • Pros and cons of having the insurance company act as the safety inspection agent of rides.
  • Cedar Fair says Reuters got it wrong about building a park in China.
  • Alton Towers accident hurts people. Is it really a bad year for accidents? I don't think so.
  • Forget the rumble at Thorpe, the food is more interesting.
  • We want to hear from you. Literally. Send an MP3 with your questions, comments on stories, etc., to

CoasterBuzz Podcast #38 - July 17, 2006

Download... | Length: 29:24 | Size: 13MB | Downloads: 2956

posted by Jeff | Monday, July 17, 2006, 7:34 PM | comments: 0

Jeff and Mike review this week's news in the amusement industry.

  • The Son of Beast accident, transparency, the press and the future of the ride.
  • Zipper accident: Does anyone feel safe on carnival rides? Is it a regulation issue?
  • Six Flags guest satisfaction up, as if it could've sunk any lower in the first place.
  • Boy loses legs in water park accident. Clearly the operators should be sued out of existence and criminally charged.
  • The joy of alcohol in theme parks. It sure is different from, say, pro sporting events.